It's Healing Hands Physical Therapy and Bodywork's Birthday!!!
How it Started:
It's Healing Hands Physical Therapy and Bodywork's Birthday!!!!
On July 25th, 2022 I saw my first patient at Healing Hands Physical Therapy and Bodywork, LLC.
This is how it started, Aug. 25, 2022:
A mobile massage table in my basement...with mobile visits to people's homes. (Which we still do.... but it's pricey!)
How It's GOING, August 25, 2024
When I was younger, I always planned on being an entrepreneur. I wanted to work for myself and do things my way. But then I had children...and it seemed impossible. HOW could I run business and be a mom at the same time???? Then, I ended up getting sick.
Trust me....this part could be an entire blog post in itself...actually, a BOOK.
(Which I will write one day.)
Here's the short story:
It's a doozy.
My symptoms were weird, they didn't make sense, and all my blood panels said I was healthy. So, I was written-off as a crazy peri-menopausal female and was told to take anti-depressants...MULTIPLE times. When I refused, I was told I was even more crazy. Here, I personally endured what I had heard from so many people the years before. They weren't heard and they weren't listened to. If they didn't fit in the physician's "Box," they were written a prescription or told to go to therapy with little or no help at all. After YEARS and THOUSANDS of dollars spent, and hundreds of hours of my own research...I found results myself. I am better and I am still recovering.
But because of all that, I am a motivated, stubborn son-of-a-(You know what) that doesn't give up.
Unfortunately, when you don't feel good it's hard to keep this motivation.
(Picture: like complete shit on your worst hang-over-day in your life, ALL THE TIME)
If it weren't for my children, I truly don't believe I would be here today.
I was fed-up with insurance companies, healthcare, and all of it. I was going to leave the profession and become a realtor like everyone else. They make great money, right????
Well, I had dedicated my life to learning how to make people feel good.
And, I'm damn good at it.
I'm empathetic, I'm intuitive and I can read peoples bodies. On top of that, I can read the more subtle stuff like people's minds and emotions.
I'm everything I wanted to be 20 years ago.
But it's exhausting, since I put so much effort into my work with you. My healing practice is so more than physical therapy. Much, much more. With that, I can only see so many people without burning myself out. So...I opened Healing Hands Physical Therapy and Bodywork. The idea originally was to see very few patients, out of my house with low overhead, so I could spend more time with my kids and make enough money to live. Well, I got busy. And busier. Then, I ended up moving out of my house to a tiny office suite.
Because, people NEED these services, and I have the knowledge and experience to provide a higher level of client care.
After that, I found Stemwave.
This was a GAME-CHANGER. Something that is non-invasive, that can stimulate NATURAL tissue growth and can PREVENT total joint replacements??????
I was ALL-IN.
Today is an important day in this journey. It marks my 2-year anniversary. This last month we moved into an actual clinic space...I have 3 employees and looking for a 4th.
This blog is not about bragging. Trust me...lol I'm in a WORLD of debt right now! But I know it's all going to come full-circle. People (You) NEED help. People (YOU) NEED HEALING. They need someone to listen to them, believe them, and HELP them.
I am here for you.
I UNDERSTAND you and I will ONLY hire a team that feels the same way. Also, I want my story to be motivational to others. This road has NOT been easy for me. It has had so many challenges along the way. But so much is MINDSET. If you KNOW you can do it...you CAN. If I can do this...so can you.
If you need help along the way...come talk to me.
Thank you Clients, Friends and Family for helping make my dream healing space a reality.
This is just the beginning.
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